Names for Beef Cattle Meat Feeder Cattle

Worldwide there are more than than 250 beefiness cattle breeds, of which about 60 are nowadays in the USA. At present age, beef cattle farming are as pop as dairy cattle. The United States of America is i of the largest exporters of beef throughout the world. In my commodity, you volition get a general idea on most popular beefiness cattle breeds of the world. Beefiness cattle are wonder subcontract animals, and most of the people rear them for commercial purpose.

Beefiness Cattle Breeds of The World

Beefiness cattle breeds are very pop, and almost of them are reared for the economical purpose. All cattle are not the aforementioned characteristics. The factors for selecting beef cattle breeds for farming are the:

  • The production system of beef cattle.
  • Market demand for beef.
  • Quantity and quality of feed staffs bachelor.
  • Climatic status.
  • Breed complementarily.
  • Cost and availability of purebred seed-stock.

Read Also: Top 10 Globe Class Near Popular Dairy Cattle Breeds

1. Brahman

Another name of Brahman is American Brahman. The beef cattle breeds were adult in the Gulf expanse of the Southwestern Us between 1854 and 1926. Brahman has been exported from the Us to countries in the Caribbean area, Central, and Due south America, Australia, the Pacific Islands, and the Philippines. Information technology is a big animal with a long body of moderate depth, with long to medium- length legs and a direct back. The body color of the breeds is ordinarily a very light grayness, only it may be cherry or black.

Brahman Cattle

The mature male is ordinarily darker in color than the female, with darker areas on the neck, shoulders, lower thighs and flanks. Calves frequently possess a red glaze at nascency that quickly turns grayness. The peel is loose, soft and pliable of medium thickness and is usually pigmented. The head is ordinarily long, the ears are pendulous and the horns thinner than those of the male. The hump is significant in the male and smaller in the female. The dewlap is large, just the sheath and naval flaps are very pendulous. The udder in the cow is of moderate size equally are the teats. The bulls weight is 800-1100kg, and the cow's weight is 500-700kg. The advantages of this breed are Grows well on poor, dry grazing. Also responds to feedlot management.

ii. Angus

Place of origin in Scotland, in the northeastern countries of Aberdeen, Angus, Kincardine, and Forfar. The color is blackness, and the distinctive head characteristics are polled. The insufficiently smooth coat of hair. Somewhat cylindrical torso. The weight of the male person is 850kg, and the female is 550kg. The breed is right beef breed.


3. Hereford

Identify of origin in England in the country of Hereford. The color is ruby with white markings, white face, and white on the underline, flanks, breast, crest, below the knees, switch, and hocks. White back of the crops, high on the flanks or too high on the legs is objectionable. Likewise, dark or smutty noses and crimson necks are frowned upon. A distinctive caput characteristic is horned. The white confront is the singled-out trademark of the breed. A thick coat of hair. The bulls weight is 1800Ibs, and the cow's weight is 1200Ibs. The breed is a good beefiness producer.


4. Shorthorn

Place of origin in England. The dual-purpose breed both Beefiness and dairy production. The Shorthorn is a medium-sized animal. The Shorthorn cows are docile and easy to handle. The brood is excellent longevity and good disease resistance and allowed system. The bulls weight is average is 900-990, and the cow's weight is average is 750-800kg. The color is distinctive red, white or roan in color. They take good mothering ability and good fertility.


5. Limousin

Place of origin in Limousin, France. The breed is used in high yielding production of lean Beef. The bull weight is average thou-1100kg, and the cow's weight is average is 650-700kg. The color is light white to darker gilt-cherry-red, Blackness limousin likewise seen. The breed is a large sized animal.


6. Brangus

The Brangus is a big beef cattle which have both fertility and milking ability. The breed is also a good mothering ability. The color is blackness or carmine, polled, with a sleek glaze and pigmented skin. The brood is good temperament and easy to handle. The bulls weight is up to 900kg, and the moo-cow's weight is 500kg.

Beef Cattle Breeds- Brangus

vii. Droughtmaster

Droughtmaster is originated in the North Queensland. The brood is crossing by the Brahman and Shorthorn cattle. The color is primarily reddish in color. The beefiness cattle brood is medium to large in size. Droughtmaster is skillful meat quality and parasite resistance. The animal is docile and high fertility. They can suit to the environment.


8. Belmont Red

The breed is originated in Australia. Belmont mainly raised in meat production. Medium sized animal and the beefing quality is first-class. The breed is red in color. Belmont red is skilful fertility, adaptability and tick resistance. They are a docile animal and like shooting fish in a barrel to handle. The creature is rut-tolerant and practiced expect gaining beast.

Belmont Red

9. Charolais

Place of origin in France, in the province of Charolles, in central French republic. Later, in the province of Nivernais. Breed society founded in France in 1887. The color is light tan at birth and changes to cream white in ten weeks. The distinctive head characteristic is horned. Pink peel and mucous membrane. Noted for large size, growth thrust, and bred-in cherry meat. The bulls weight average in thousand-1100kg and the cow's weight is up to 800-900kg.


10. Chianina

Land of origin in Italy. The breed is mainly drought brood, but now it is used in beef purpose. Chianina is a dual purpose brood. The male Chianina weight is 1200-1500kg, and the female person is 800-1000kg. The pare color is black, and the glaze is white hair, blackness the witch. The big sized breed is well- muscled, and they are adapted to warmer climates.


11. Beef Master

The place of origin in the The states, the brood is mainly in beef cattle breeds. They are crossbreeding in Hereford, Shorthorn and the Brahman cows. The breed is a dual purpose breed, but it is used primarily in beef purpose. The breed is good milking power and adept fertility. The breed is mainly red in color. Cows unremarkably weight is 800kg, and the weight of the bull is almost 1200kg. The breed is resistance to parasite and diseases. Beef principal is intelligent and practiced temperament animate being. So it is easy to handle.


12. Devon

Identify of origin in England, in the countries of Devon and Somerset. The body color is cerise, and a vibrant dark red is preferred, hence the proper name 'Ruby Scarlet.' Flossy white horns with blackness tips. Also, there are polled strains. Switch varies from whitish cerise to nearly white at the tip. Skin is orangish-yellow with paint especially noticeable around eyes and muzzle. The mature bulls weight is average 770kg, and the mature moo-cow'southward weight is average is 450-600kg.


The Last Remarks

There are some most popular Beef cattle Breeds of the globe. Nowadays these breeds are raised in beef production, and they are trendy for the worldwide. They are reared in economical purpose, and this beef cattle breeds meet up the commercial value of the meat. My commodity helped to you lot when y'all established a farm which animate being is reared in the farm that is practiced in beef production.


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